Why Ørsted is part of the Windclusion alliance

At Ørsted, we know talent is diverse by nature.

Burbobak Employee Lift Final
Walney Climbing Worker Jpeg

As pioneers in social sustainability, we believe it’s essential to offer  opportunity to people from many perspectives and backgrounds. And we need to make the most of those perspectives in order to accelerate our vision of creating a world that runs entirely on green energy. So we seek to build a diverse workforce that reflects the varied societies in which we operate globally.

We can’t do that alone. We need to work with partners across the renewable energy sector, to inspire and equip truly diverse talent to work in renewable energy. That’s why we cooperate with companies of all sizes in Windclusion, so together we can open up our sector to diverse and amazing talent. Whatever your perspective, we hope you’ll join us.


Frequently asked questions

We know that there can be a lot of questions